
Bar stories:


Have you ever had a bad day?  I mean one of those days where you feel Murphy's law was based on you? 

Imagine someone whose entire life was based on Murphy's law, multiply it by a 100 then you can picture the life of the great Lucky Charles.

This is the story of Lucky Charles as told by himself when he went in for a drink here at the Red circle.

Now, Lucky Charles was a great human being but unfortunately things just didn’t go right for him, every time he came up with a plan, life just kicked him in the balls and denied him the opportunity to finally make it.

Lucky Charles wanted to become a singer, Lucky Charles had and incredible voice, the kind of voice we all believe we have when we are singing in the shower. 

Charles was incredibly charismatic and that’s why men wanted to be him and women wanted to be with him, so charismatic that people in general wanted him to succeed.

Lucky Charles had a great childhood, his family did his best to give him the best education possible and he did great in school but ever since he was little all Charles wanted to do was sing.

Lucky Charles could do wonders in school, lucky Charles aced almost every test they could give him but lucky Charles wanted to sing. Charles parent’s didn’t want to support him into the career he wanted to pursue, they felt it was too little of a thing to do for such a smart kid and they told him he had to finish school first and then he could do as he wished. 

They tried every trick possible for him to stop singing, they presented every job he could do and all of the possible opportunities he could have had if he just pursued another career or how much money he could have made as a doctor, engineer or basically anything if he just stopped wanting to become a singer.

So when Lucky Charles graduated, his family gave him an ultimatum, with his grades he could get into whichever university he desired, in the field of his choosing and the parents would cover all costs but he had to give up his dream.

You already know what he chose.

So after the choice was made, Lucky Charles had the struggle of finding himself, surviving at 18 years old in the cold streets of this city.

He wandered through the streets and he ate what the people could give him, but he was happy because finally he could sing.

And by god hearing him sing was a gift, so people just kept encouraging him. 

Someone heard him while riding the subway and offered the lead singing spot with a band

And finally Lucky Charles had an opening, he met the band, all four of the other band members agreed he was the best singer and he was the first and last to audition for the band as he was what they had been looking for, so Charles joined the band.

A few months later, the band had their first gig, they were opening for a famous band, Lucky Charles was so excited for this, in fact everyone that had ever met him was excited, Charles was finally going to start building up the ladder so he could fulfill his dream.

Unfortunately for Charles, the band had other plans in mind, you see… ever since they received the invitation to the gig, the band heard rumours as people were only talking about how great Charles was, not the band.

So they decided to cut him, and that was it.

Charles first disappointment, but he wasn’t gonna quit and Charles kept singing. Charles kept singing in all public spaces, parks, subways, you name it, he sang there.

And by god, it was good to hear Charles sing. 

Charles met a guy, he met a guy named Diego Wagner, now Diego worked for To the moon record company and told him he had a deal with them, the deal was a ready to-go make an album, and obviously he agreed.

He wrote and sang his songs and he left it all on those, things started to change for Charles, he was now a recorded artist.

Unfortunately for Charles, Mr Wagner tried to con the record company and got kicked out of To the moon records and with him left all of the artist that he had signed. 

That was it. Charles' second failure.

But Charles wasn’t gonna quit, not now… He had been so close to making it, he could almost taste it, the taste of success.

And Charles kept singing and by god, it was good to hear Charles sing.

Charles started to roam around other areas, other cities, even different states, and Charles stumbled upon the place where a music festival takes place, The forbidden fruit festival which is one of the greatest music festivals there is in the entire world, a band heard him sing, and wanted Charles to perform as an opener for their show at the festival and so he accepted to do so.

He got ready, he practiced and practiced for his performance to be so magical he would upstage everyone and anyone there and he would have impressed them all.

But unfortunately for Charles, he had practiced so much he had a sore throat when the date arrived and couldn’t perform, couldn't get better in time for his appearance on the show.

So that’s when Charles accepted it, he accepted that maybe it wasn’t his destiny to sing, so Charles went back to his hometown, decided to get a job and everything was fine, everything was normal, just a standard life, his parents even took him back, he was ready to stop singing, and so he stopped.
A couple of years or so went by, Charles was now a member of our establishment, he came in regularly, one day he was telling me this story, drinking as he was letting go of all his memories.

I kinda didn’t believe his story at first so naturally I told him if he could maybe sing one last time for me to hear what the old Charles was all about.

He told me to turn on the radio as there were no instruments to play to, he had given away his guitar. 

A smooth jazz melody was on and he started to sing, and said to myself  “God this guy can sing”.

As he finished, i got so sad about confirming his story that I wanted to hear something else on the radio so i could cheer up and I left it on another radio frequency, I wanted him to sing something more upbeat, and left it at some song I didn’t recognize, and suddenly Lucky Charles' face lit up, it was one of his songs playing. 


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